DVDs On Tap
DVDs On Tap will give you 14 days unlimited free trial.
If you love watching films but find it a bit costly to keep buying new ones then why not rent them? There is no need to make the extra effort to go to your local shop you can order from the comfort of your own home from this website and for FREE. All you have to do is register with them and then you are eligible for their 14 days unlimited free trial. You can order up to three DVDs and they will be delivered to your door, watch them and send them back so you can order more. If at the end of the 14 days you want to continue to use LOVEFiLM you don’t need to do anything just continue to return and then order new DVDs and you will be charged your first month of membership. If however you decide that LOVEFiLM is not for you then just cancel your membership and return all DVDs before the end of the trial. Remember you can order as many DVDs in a month as you like as long as you return the three maximum that you can have at any given time as soon as you have watched them then new ones will be sent out to you. So in effect you will be getting way more than your moneys worth!